Hotel, Bus, Taxi
Hall of Fame
Code of Honour
1. Pool System/ Draw
The official draw for the playing schedule of the Jom Ha Voetbal will be held in May. Teams from different countries will be split evenly between the groups as much as possible.
2: Yellow and Red Card
a) 1 yellow card = suspension for 2 minutes
b) 2 yellow cards in one game = suspension for the rest of the game + suspension for the following game
c) red card = suspension for the following game(s) up to suspension for the rest of the tournament
Attention: Putting suspended players on the field will result in a technical loss for all games by 3-0 and suspension for the captain for one year.
3: Substitutions
A player is only allowed to play in a team when his name is on the players’ list. Those lists should be in the possession of Jom Ha Voetbal beforehand. There is no limit to the number of substitutions allowed during a game; however once a player has been substituted, that player can’t return in the same game again. Attention! It is strictly forbidden to play in another team or to let a player participate that is not mentioned on the list.
Attention: Ignoring of this rule will result in a technical loss for all games at 3-0 and suspension for the captain for one year.
4: Age Limits
Players are allowed to play in only one team above their age group, but not in a team below it.
5: Appointment Group Winner
The group winner will be fixed on the following items in ascending order:
1st: The most points
2nd: Highest goal difference
3rd: Highest goals score
4th: The best mutual result
If item 1 does not give not a winner, the winner will be fixed on item 2 etc. And if 1 to 4 still does not give a winner, the game will be decided with penalties in the ‘series of 3’ followed by 1 / 1 series.
6: DT/ JMT
The tournament starts at 08.30 AM sharp local DT. Teams arriving at any game in JMT or with fewer than 8 players (senior section), lose that game through disqualification (= 3-0). Attention: Teams with 8 players (senior section) can and must start the game.
The ‘home side’ (direction sports hall) is the first mentioned team according to the program; the ‘away game’-team starts the game (no toss !) and starts the game with his ball.
7: Change of Program
The time the teams are playing and the fields the teams are playing on, are decided according to the official program, but the Tournament Leader is always authorized to change the program ! Therefore please pay attention. The captain always must report his team to the Field master 5 minutes before each game according to the official program and follow the instructions of the Leader/ Speaker. Ignoring this means losing the game by 3-0!
8: Dressing Rooms
Because many teams share the dressing rooms with each other, they will not be locked for practical reasons. Please leave your valuables at home or at your hotel. Jom Ha Voetbal cannot be held responsible for loss or theft of valuables.
9. Jewish participation
Participation is reserved for teams affiliated with a Jewish organization. All players on a team must have at least one Jewish parent or official Jewish partner.
By Jewish/Jewish parent we mean:
- participants with a Jewish mother/grandmother according to the standards of the LJG, NIK and PIG
- participants who ended up with one of the three denominations LJG, NIK and PIG
By Jewish organizations we mean:
- Official Jewish associations/foundations
- Friends teams provided good references and provided players meet the above conditions
Exception : Participation of non-Jewish sports friends is allowed provided that this player is an employee of a non-commercial Jewish association/foundation.
House rules Jom Ha Voetbal
House rules
We use clear house rules to make your stay at Jom Ha Voetbal as pleasant as possible. As a visitor or participant of Jom Ha Voetbal, you agree to the following house rules and you are obliged to comply with these rules.
- Follow the instructions of the organization at all times.
- It is forbidden to consume or possess alcohol under the age of 18.
- If you are 18+, it is prohibited to pass on alcohol to a person under the age of 18.
- It is forbidden to smoke on or around the fields.
- It is prohibited to use or possess (soft) drugs.
- It is prohibited to have weapons, sticks, knives or other items in your possession that can cause injury to another.
- You must cooperate with the access control and follow instructions from the organization, security, police and staff. If you refuse to cooperate in an investigation of clothing and/or bags, you must leave the site.
- Based on your behavior on the site and/or public road around the location, the organisation, security, police or staff may refuse you access. Undesired behavior such as aggression and discrimination will not be tolerated.
- The organization, owner of the location, or the staff cannot be held liable for any injury and/or material or immaterial damage that visitors to the location may experience.
- Injury to persons or damage to buildings or other material present will be recovered from the perpetrator.
- Entering the location is entirely at the visitor’s own risk.
- You agree that the film/photos that are made may be used for promotional and commercial purposes, without any rights being derived from this.
- All football players must wear proper footwear, shin guards and football clothing on the field.
- Uphold the name of your team, your organization and yourself as a BoBo towards the press and our community with fair play. Set a good example to the youth and other spectators present at your matches.
- All players are bound by the fair play regulations of jom ha football as stated on the site.